So I've met some new friends the past few days and it was a lot of fun. All of these girls have spouses associated with the ship my husband is with.
Friday night I had a good friend of mine
Amanda Bell over. Her and her two adorable daughters came over to the house. It was so much fun having them over. I made some yummy taco salad and Amanda brought over some delicious brownies to go with the meal. They were so good! I still have some left and may save them for the hubby when he comes home! Anyways we played some karaoke which was fun and that's all that matters! We were going to play Mario Party, but I couldn't find the controllers for the game cube. Next time I will have it all ready to go! We just had fun eating, talking, and playing. Even the kids had fun playing together! They tried singing too! Thanks again Amanda for coming over!!
Saturday the frg(family readiness group) had a pool party at the base. Despite the 100 degree weather Levi and I ventured out to it! It was nice and the water felt so good! At the pool party I had the pleasure of meeting
Lisa and her baby girl. It was very nice to meet them. Lisa's daughter loved playing in the pool. Levi had fun too. He loved splashing and being silly. Eventually we moved to the kiddie pool where Levi could touch the bottom. Levi wanted to walk and go everywhere!! I was worried though of him going under so I made a barrier with my arms and/or legs. So that I could block him lol. He didn't like it but I knew he wouldn't like it if he went under. Also at the pool party they had some yummy Papa Johns Pizza(It's my favorite!) lol and got to see and talk to
Jessica Trimble our frg president and
Katrina Armstrong. It was great talking to them. I don't remember anyone else or know names. Hopefully as time goes on I will be able to know more people with the frg. Thanks again to the frg for hosting and fun and exciting pool party! It was great with our weather these days for people to cool off!
Sunday evening we got invited to go over to
Sara's house. Sara cooked some yummy baked ziti for all of us. At Sara's house I got the chance to meet Michelle B., Laura, Sara(herself), Michelle H., and Jackie. Plus all the kiddos too! We had a great time chatting it up while dinner was cooking! I found out they like Army Wives too so hopefully/ or maybe well have Army Wives night and just watch the show! I have to get caught up first I'm a season or so behind lol. I'll get caught up eventually! I miss watching the show :) It makes you laugh and cry! The kiddos had a good time too they kept playing and going up and down the stairs. They were all nice to each other too :) Levi climbs up the stairs really good!! Down the stairs is what I worry about. All the other children slid down the stairs on their bellies feet first. Levi on the other hand was walking down backwards so I was scared he would miss a step and fall all the way down. I know most if not all children will fall down the stairs one time or another, lol I'm just not ready for Levi to do that yet. He's still a baby lol. Well a toddler. Falling down will probably scare him the most and then he'd be back to playing just like any other kiddo.
Again it was nice to meet other wives of the ship and will help when the guys are gone more and more. We all have to stick together! I look forward to getting together with them all again!!
Thanks girls for some good times and many more to come!!
**I will get pictures with the other girls sometime!**